
Smith has a long history of being a leader in the zero waste movement. In the late 1980s, the facilities team implemented a robust, campus-wide recycling program. In 2005, students started a movement for composting 和 it has steadily grown since then.

我们提倡负责任, rather than “wishful” waste disposal, which is a tendency among many of us to recycle 和 compost items that we think 和 hope are recyclable, even though in many cases they are not.



Our goal is to promote proper recycling education, 增加参与, 和 reduce contamination across campus. You are crucial in helping us achieve this! Please read the signage posted above all bins 和 help us educate others. Contamination can cause an entire batch of recycling to be l和filled! Our recycling is transferred to the Springfield Materials Recovery Facility, w在这里 it is sorted 和 sold to various producers across the world to be turned into new things!

在这里查看指南: 容器回收; 废纸回收

  1. Please put paper products like notebook paper, 信封, 麦片盒, 纸袋(无收据), 还有披萨盒 废纸回收箱. It’s ok if the 披萨盒 are greasy, just make sure all food remnants are removed.
  2. Please put clean metal, glass, 和 clear plastic containers 和 cartons into the 集装箱回收箱.
  3. Please DO NOT put hot 和 cold beverage cup lids, 吸管, 餐具, 包装器, 塑料包装, 聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料, or food remnants in the recycling bins.


Electronic devices contain toxic substances that pollute our soil, 水, 和 air when they are not disposed of properly. E-waste recycling saves the raw materials that can be repurposed 和 ensures pollutants do not enter our environment. You can bring your batteries, compact-fluorescent lightbulbs, 和 small electronics to the lowel-level of the campus center (between the mailroom 和 campus store).

请看这里的指南: 电子垃圾


作为一个机构,澳门葡京博彩软件required by the state of Massachusetts 对堆肥. 幸运的是, this aligns with our values 和 vision for a zero waste campus - we were composting before the state required it! Our facilities team works hard to ensure we’re doing our part 和 complying with the law - from making sure we have enough bins out, to hauling those bins to our composter, 360年回收 在马萨诸塞州的韦斯特菲尔德. 和, our 餐厅 服务 team are champions of our zero waste vision - from ensuring we order compostable containers 和 silverware to promoting back 和 front of house composting. Please do your part by knowing what you can 和 cannot compost.

请看这里的指南: 堆肥

  1. Please compost all food scraps (including coffee grounds 和 tea bags), 全澳门葡京博彩软件饭盒, 餐具, 和 吸管 (check for the PLA-7 label on the container), 餐巾
  2. Please DO NOT put in containers, 餐具, 吸管, 和 cups from other restaurants, 包装器, 塑料袋, 披萨盒
  3. Please DO NOT put in paper bags or receipts. Paper bags belong in paper recycling 和 receipts belong in the l和fill. 


Reducing our consumption 和 finding creative ways to reuse materials is essential to achieving zero waste. Before you throw something out or buy something new, consider how you might reuse something you already have, 和 check out these helpful 集团s 和 resources:


Beginning in 2019, we implemented our first comprehensive move-out collection program. Emmy Longnecker ‘20J inspired 和 led the project after seeing how many items students leave for the l和fill at the end of each year. Drawing on move-out collection programs that exist on many other college campuses, Emmy designed a program specifically for Smith. While a large collection happens at the end of the year, most houses have Smithcycle bins (f.k.a. Free bins) w在这里 you can leave 和 take items. 阅读更多关于Smithcycle的信息 在这里.


集团 connects members of the five college community to sell 和 give-away items. 不要错过! 的 City of Northampton runs 这个页面 that shares creative reuse ideas. 的 酷儿交换 集团 connects member of the queer community to sell 和 give-away items. 的 买什么 集团 promotes just that: buying nothing! 


Unfortunately, t在这里 are some items that cannot be recycled, composted, or reused. Remember, try to refuse 和 reduce as much as possible first! Many items that belong in the l和fill are common contaminants in recycling 和 compost streams because people “wish” they could go t在这里 和 throw by aspiration instead of information. Please put the following in the l和fill bin:

请看这里的指南: 垃圾填埋场

  1. Solid-colored plastic cups 和 containers
  2. Plastic 吸管 和 餐具
  3. 冷热饮料盖
  4. Receipt paper (thermal-coated)
  5. 聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料
  6. 包装器
  7. 塑料包装
  8. 非澳门葡京博彩软件热饮杯 

For more guidance on specific items 和 materials, you can always check the Springfield Materials 回收 Facility回收智能马萨诸塞州.


At Zero-浪费 events on campus, the college provides guests with compostable 和 recyclable items only. For more information about zero-waste events, contact ceeds@luyifamily.com.